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2022-10-30 16:37:20四年级访问手机版143

"Young tender tea leaves, be unqualified! " the teacher reports me to get exam result in dais, after I heard this news astonied, suspect the teacher was misreaded, after can delivering examination paper when the teacher, I see clearly " unqualified " 3 rubric cut the mathematical examination paper that cuts the ground to imprint in me really, "Unqualified " 3 words are mocking me in ask for a favor it seems that, I feel the day faints immediately the ground turns, whole person was at a loss. I keep comforting my, but I am very sad still.


My reluctance emend was over examination paper, hide it in an ordinary interlining in satchel rapidly. After school, I worry about mom to be able to ask about this the thing on the road very, but not bad mom did not think it seems that, all the way what did not mention. Just returned the home, when changing shoe, mom asks me suddenly: "Took an exam today? Achievement how? " I was stupefied, remembered mix to my fleer in the competitor in the school before my friend challenges to mine and suspicious, reply vaguely at once: "Did not take an exam at all today. " saying to carrying satchel rapidly a full marks / plunge into the room that entered me. I am sadder and sadder when doing work, more and more feel this achievement not should, a teardrop with a big beans in the orbit from me " clang " the ground flowed, I remembered me " dead correct " say let myself also be experienced learning broken bits is what flavor. I finished hardly to work in this night, after go to bed, my tear is restrained again not the dwelling place flowed like breaking line ground bead, good was asleep not easily the scene with afflictive to mom dream, I awake from inside the dream many times, what to experience to make a long delay may cause trouble eventually.


The following day after school, I couldn't help, hearten say to mom: "Mom, actually I concealed an exam yesterday thing, there was an examination yesterday, I took an examination of unqualified! " the appearance that after mom is heard, seems to be startled not at all, one held me in arms, and say: "I am early it is good to know you were not taken an examination of, just be to want to see you when can tell me candidly, look now you are a good child, take an examination of inaccessibly bad to have nothing to do with, the mainest be an upright person want honesty! We try hard a bit, attentively a bit, time is a bit more floriferous, can take an examination of well certainly next time. I believe you, cheer, son! Son!!


Hearing this word, in my heart extremely warm, after pledging secretly, should learn well, take an examination of actor.
