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2022-10-25 12:30:01四年级访问手机版495

Today is on Sunday, we a few good friends arrive field blueness, rustic rurality likes a beautiful painting length an axis. Slowly show in us at the moment.


Arrive country alley, we more like the poem picturesque wind enchanted, cornfield of overlook of look as far as one can shiny green fill lease of life, green rippling wheat was not formed below the agitate of Cinderella, of the layer have look at to distance look at us to as if smelled wheat stage faint scent. Saw the picture of the bumper harvest, at this moment a flock of birdie from people beside had flown, the interjectional it may not be a bad idea that chirps then resembles be in joyous our arrival. The wild flower that connects roadside is unwilling also and doleful, do not let me, I do not let you be opened unexpectedly.


Field everywhere look around, extensive and infinite. Laborious farmer full marks / stand to sow in busy move, afield of drill of a stage moves back and forth, the picture with good busy school, a flock of lively and lovely children also are in by the model that in spirits ground copies adult, sowing oneself hope, “ did not solve the Tong Sun that right now poetic Fan Cheng depicts greatly to be fed for ploughing, already half fly learns kind of melon. ” good picture is exhibited those who show much before us beauty is pastoral ah, the boom of drill, the joyous laugh of children. The joyous cry of birdie walked out of beautiful " rural symphony " .


Beautiful rurality is to resemble a rainbow giving us pleasure, in relief like a illumination takes our heart, looking at this beautiful rurality, I want to become lark very much. Sing the dream in noisy heart with ringing singing voice.
