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2022-10-23 10:38:14四年级访问手机版293

On October 16, on Thursday, fine


Today, mom buys a few garlic to let me plant.


I look at these garlic to want: Of “ your chubbiness, really good-looking. But how to call me to plant? ” mom seemed to understand my idea, say to me: “ child, kind garlic is not difficult, want to put garlic into water only, it is OK to change water to them everyday. ” I put them into floret basin, add carefully sail upstream. They are endured endure crowded, be like a big family! I say: “ you sprout quickly! ”


On October 17, on Friday, fine


Just got up before I run to flowerpot, sprout of happy discovery small garlic. Gemmule is green, have 0. 5 centimeters tall. Pale green gemmule hits explore curiously to wear like little like each baby the world. I remember mom's word immediately, change water everyday! I take small garlic carefully, see small garlic surprizingly next still grew short close mustache. My mood more happy.


On October 21, on Wednesday, fine


Classes are over return the home, I walk fast again the ground developed the balcony, the garlic bolt that discovers small garlic grows has 5. 5 centimeters. The bottom of garlic bolt has white full marks / white stuff is lapping it. In white outside the thing that there is some of Huang Huang below the skin. I ask mother afraidly: Did “ small garlic fall ill? We take it quickly to see a doctor! ” mom says: “ small garlic did not fall ill. The nutrition that is the head of garlic only was absorbed by garlic bolt, the head of garlic begins to become yellow. I am like ” understood.


On October 26, on Monday, fine


Get up in the morning, I see small garlic bolt with respect to ground of too impatient to wait. Garlic bolt has 20 centimeters, above leaf pale green, below deep green, stand by bottom to still be being lapped by white thing. I discovered suddenly to “ cap ” of yellow is worn on the head of garlic bolt. Father just is passed, I told dad the doubt in the heart. Father solves my problem seriously, say: The nutrition that “ garlic bolt needs is very much, mom of the head of garlic cannot have provided enough nourishment. Small garlic should live alone! ” in the evening, I and father transplant small garlic in the grandfather's flowerpot together.


On October 29, on Thursday, fine


Ah, garlic, in the day that with you photograph of a very short time accompanies, I grew a lot of knowledge. I feel garlic is a great mom, grow for oneself child, him dedication of be most willing to everything!
