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2022-10-05 19:38:13四年级访问手机版382


Today, i, not! It is us! We are soldiers today!


The soldier is national umbrella, also be people's umbrella, they let people live and work in peace and contentment, also make a country stabler and prosperous and strong! They are our example, it is the object that we adore, grind that time learn, let us favour experienced the assiduous training of soldiers!


Grind that learn, we arrived together the training camp on hill. Arrived after base, the teacher sent a washbasin each to us, after letting ourselves arrange good room, formal military training activity begins. V/arc drillmaster taught us how to stand first army appearance: Put both hands in ham two side, whole person holds his head high hold out a bosom, what the leg also should stand is straightforward, cannot bend. V/arc drillmaster makes a round trip perambulatory, correct our pose from time to time, let us stand 30 minutes subsequently. Just passed 5 minutes, everybody's forehead gave sweat, the ham of some classmates began to shake, but everybody still is holding to. Be about to abandon when us every time when, the full marks of v/arc drillmaster / complimentary, let us suddenly was full of force.


The word of v/arc drillmaster is invigorating us ceaselessly, yield the resolution that we hold to sturdily after all! Passed 20 minutes again, on everybody's forehead already kubla khah dripping wet, some classmates are biting speed up mandibular joint, both hands also had grasped fist, everybody's leg began substantially shake, if raindrop is big sweat bead falls on a from us the top of head that follows. Everybody's face became red, the dress that goes up personally also was soaked by sweat already, but everybody still is holding to, holding to, holding to! Because of us from v/arc drillmaster people acquire on the body, it is standard pose not just, accurate pace, it is their spirit more, their courage, still have their persistence!


Make fall as of v/arc drillmaster, we stand the time of army appearance arrived eventually, everybody is panting tired booth is big on the ground, but, a kind of arrogant expression is permeated with the face in us to go up! We also experienced this truly is the meaning grinds extremely really learn!
