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2022-09-26 22:37:11四年级访问手机版151


Present classroom is rich and colorful really, have not just advocate division, still labor and mass organizations class, IT class, technology class are waited a moment, but the classroom that I think to did not come raises a small proposal: Besides Qiu You, still can let us know a few new things in nature.


Because live for a long time in the city, answer the pity with rural really little time, so I knew little vegetable only. Once, I and mom in the country ran, running to running to run to Tian Li, passed a little while, run to kind of place of taro. Taro is long in subterranean, and its leaf appeared however ” of face of flat bread of a “ , mom asks with respect to the leaf that pointing to it: Do you guess “ what is this? I pondered over ” a little while, reply: “ this is mutation lotus leaf, because lotus leaf can grow to come to the ground actually! ” mom is to find both funny and annoying simply, say: “ not not, this is taro. ” hears this word, my open-eyed chin full marks / drop the ground quickly to go up.


Still once, I and mom are going euqally like snail, go tired to stop in doorway of a family. At this moment mom saw a dish, ask me: “ do you feel what dish this is? After I saw ” , blurt out: “ this is to exceed —— level dish of inapproachable big horn. After ” mom listened, laugh suffocatively, say: “ you can be a vegetable blind really, hep Chinese cabbage does not know even people. After I listen to ” , those who feel embarrassed is tricky, said a tongue.


Not just such, I often still confuse vegetable, for instance: I can confuse green Chinese onion and leek, can confuse young soya bean and hyacinth bean, can confuse yam and potato, can confuse cabbage and Chinese cabbage ……


So, I hope prospective classroom can let us walk out of classroom door, oneself experience in nature, go discovering, can let us go in nature great practice.
