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2022-09-24 19:38:12四年级访问手机版528


Touch, be like the Gan Quan of refreshing. Carouse pleasant spring, our heart can become clear and bright. Our everybody can have when touching. And I, see the back …… of fatigue of Na Qin of environmental sanitation worker every time


That is the night in a Zhou Wu, after our family eats dinner, playing downstairs. Father and uncles hit mahjong, mom and aunt people gather chat. Good not lively! Of course, our dot how can Where is at a loose end? I go a dot people cried, play together next move “ one, 2, 3! Chump! The game of ” .


“ plumps! ” , “ ! ” is accompanying two kinds of different sound, a my little companionate trip, and she still fell into a puddle in, dress all is drenched! We stay, be at a loss. She wow wow cry greatly! We were to be stupefied first, back-to-back move pulls her. But write a composition / she is like by earth grip same, anyway also is pulled do not rise, we are tired breathless, be fraught! She sees this case, cry alouder, want the stance that breaks Tian Zhen.


Her cry alarmed the environmental sanitation aunt that sweeps the floor opposite. Environmental sanitation aunt hears here have cry, ran, after seeing her next, demur does not say, held her in the arms come out. After she rises, leng Dehun quivers personally, we let her go back changed body clothes. We are being searched a moment ago aunt of that environmental sanitation, see environmental sanitation aunt is being cleaned below dark lamplight only street, left her only that arduous back! such, there is taste of a kind of inarticulate in my heart.


Environmental sanitation worker is urban beautician! Experienced this today's thing, I had new view to environmental sanitation worker. In my colourful childhood, environmental sanitation worker added flowery brushstroke again.
