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2022-09-23 20:35:08四年级访问手机版331


Yesterday, I sit in the sitting room to watch TV, mom goes to me suddenly before, my intuition tells me bad thing was about to want to happen.


As expected, mom mouth say: "Does your otherwise go signing up for interest of interest of a summer vacation time to groom class? "Does your otherwise go signing up for interest of interest of a summer vacation time to groom class??


I ask questioningly all over the face: "Ah! Why does have to go going up groom class ah? Why does have to go going up groom class ah??


"Because I see you watch TV in the home every day, be afraid that you are too dull, want to let you go out to learn to order a thing, still can go out more. " mom does not no hurry unbearably the ground says.


"But this weather is much now hot! I do not think up the door! " I am refuted.


Mom says again: "You consider well, if whats do not agree to learn now, the day after be brought up worked hard. The day after be brought up worked hard..


Consider in me when, the door rang, it is father came back so.


Mom just conversational report listens to father, ground of the sincere words and earnest wishes after father listens says to me: "Present living conditions is good, if you have what interest to like, father mother is willing to support you! We can make full use of the time of summer vacation time completely rise, go doing a few significant, valuable businesses, go do last interest like a class unlike sit on sofa to watch TV ambitious how be gotten? Go there to be able to know a lot of new friends not only, and after term begins, you still can stress the fun in a few lives to your classmates! " say nods after I listen: "What you say is reasonable, father, I think well tonight, I want what to learn. I want what to learn..


After father and mom hear my word, gratified ground laugh.
