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2022-09-20 19:37:10四年级访问手机版130


My native place draws near according to hill water, picturesque scenery, green shade surround, it is the little village with a beautiful scenery.


Spring came, ice and snow melted, send opportunity of survival everywhere, brook the ground is flowing, that is vernal rhythm, a few pairs of swallow fly from the south of far, stop on telegraph pole to twittering, that is vernal note. When I and young associate people hungry when, the one continuously black smoke that to oneself domestic doorway can see housetop appears, a when pass from house a dish is spicy, can let your dc saliva.


Summer, in field, farmer uncle busy move transplants rice seedlings, immensity looks in the rice field, resemble the big carpet of one bed green really. A breeze has been blown, that carpet shakes sway place, resemble be being recruited to us. If you hear a composition carefully, the wonderful music that still perhaps can hear they are performed!


The autumn arrived, in sweet intoxicate of the paddy in the rice field. Sometimes, I and young associate still are my elder brother to cheer before orange is cultivated encourage, make him much pick bit of orange to come down! Young associate is piquant, play when playing hide-and-seek, they catch a few frog to be on ridge of field, frog scamper about, when looking for them, frog skips suddenly come out, still frighten me so that die partly!


In the winter, mirage mist, sometimes, there still is light snow in countryside, I am extremely happy, just, it melted again in the hand that received me, I am crestfallen, but fortunately the elder brother comforts me, otherwise I want to cry greatly really.


This is my native place, although devious, but I still feel native place is the most beautiful.
