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2022-07-16 18:08:07四年级访问手机版271

Everybody has the one's innermost thoughts and feelings of skinful, but hold back is very afflictive in the heart. Are you willing to communicate with me?


When facing a lot of task on the weekend every time, my heart wants to follow volitant bird to run, thinking, how ethereal Yun Duo is free, looking at the wind outside the window, seem to let them take me to run far, also need not do work again so! How do I hope I am fast grown, can work, the affliction that because was not written so,works. But one day, my observation had the dear one beside, want to see them trouble is had after grown adult.


Parents often says be perturbed, I ask mother why be perturbed, still feel not happy? Mom says: You this age paragraph the happiest, the clothes will stretch one's hand, the meal comes dehisce. We, have on old, have below small, want to take care of grandfather grandma again, should have visited younger brother of composition of your elder sister again the study of two. Oh! The its so much of former father and mother, is the grandfather then happier? Whats need not be done because of him. I ask a grandfather again, the grandfather cried suddenly. The grandfather says: What “ eats at that time is bark, corn face steamed bread of corn is not much also, the day is sufferred from very! ”


Heard the word of mom and grandfather, I just understand: We just are the happiest people. Father mother treats us as baby, are we the people with the happiest in the world? We cannot say the exercise of teacher cloth is too much, not feigned course of study we can grow into useful timber? Cannot let time be wasted, learn well as a child only, practice gives a suit good ability, there just is prospect in the future. We are the small sapling of the motherland, can written guarantee the fruit that gives plentiful and substantial, the key is in this phase. So we should redouble our efforts, in this happy time health grows.
