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2022-05-15 14:56:49四年级访问手机版116

Today, the sky is clean like be crossed by bath, have sundry Bai Yun only, some resembles the phoenix of volant Gao Fei, some resembles martial divine dragon, some resembles lovely small fish, golden sunshine is surrounding Bai Yun, ased if to put on a golden clothes to it.


I come to the backyard of grandma home, saw the cock resembles a powerful a brave and strong man. Took a few steps forth again, see a cock is particularly awe-inspiring, resembling is chicken group the king in, cockscomb is so red that cockscomb be like fire, resembling is a tailor-made ruby imperial crown, see its that eye again, resemble glistening gem, give out dazzling ray. Its mouth is extremely hard, resemble can piercing the pike of any shield. The feather with smooth and complaisant a suit, resembling is a cloak, wear go up in the body, appear it is more martial and uncommon.


Look at a cock to go up east peck peck on the west, I took a small cake to feed them. Just broke below one small cake to be thrown to the ground, that palm cock is mixed a black cock runs like greased lightningly, I think they can bump, did not think of to be in not far from cake place, they stopped at the same time. I feel to there was a murderous look to emerge in air, seem to have a superior between to undertaking definitely. The composition sees two cocks carefully, their eye is staring at the other side closely, using the eyes mutual argue!


Suddenly, palm cock is stretchy neck, mao Dou stood to rise, eye glare is gotten greatly, go up even cockscomb aglowly aglow. See it aimed at the cockscomb of black cock only, exert oneself to do sth. fan is worn wing pounce in the past. Black cock shines gently, exert ” of small step of “ approach wave, sheered the aggression of palm cock, ” of “ chuckle cough up cries one blast, seem to saying: “ you nod ability with respect to this, still want to be fought with me! ” black cock also is not the generation of aimlessly, open double wing, cock of deft go at palm, exert oneself unique skill “ falls dragon 18 palms ” . Palm cock is offended fire, gave out the cry with shake noisy day, like use of fierce forest ace ” of result of “ lion growl, take the advantage of black cock by during shake is muddled, its exert 9 shade of “ ungual ” of bones of the dead, …… of several root hair was dropped on black cock body


When just when they are hit,getting dark all round, not needing the slightest effort of another big cock got food, when waiting for them to discover, when be late already.


I look agape by, original cock is so bellicose, and hit frame come a bit is not defeated by Wu Lin ace, looking still is not to want after me easily incur them!
