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2022-10-15 22:34:07三年级访问手机版290

On the road that go to school, I and classmate come home together, we go at the same time a little at the same time, suddenly, the classmate cries, look, here has a bird, what this bird grows is very black, it is white chest.


Attack arris attacks the wing of arris, how to also fly however not tall, the classmate is afraid that spadger uses mouth be favored with he, dare not catch, I think out a way, use a bag to be being installed.


I am caught gently, captured, the look that the classmate admires is red, who lets him dare be not caught? Small spadger chirps all the time of Jiu cry.


I gallop excellent in, built a small home to him, be afraid that his hunger was worn, starting small melon seed with the hand, who knows I am lost go in? He connects a head not low.


I can be lured only bring him, just fed a melon seeds to spadger, scattered Chen of a few corn in his mouth again incidentally, saw him eat, I just am at ease.


This bub is really bad still to raise, I gently the back that pats her, black the eye is very lovely, I am really not let go of be willing to part with or use.


When I go out to play in the evening, returned incidentally to take my small spadger, my small spadger is bumpy and ceaseless, calling hold tight ceaselessly the chirp of popular feeling!


I like my small spadger most!
