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2022-10-15 17:35:10三年级访问手机版294

On March 5 that day, there is happy mood to come home after I finish piano lesson. After returning the home, I just sat down a little while, aunt calls will ask: "Zhang Yu , don't you go fly a kite? " I say: "Wait, I should ask me mother. " after mom has received a telephone call, agreed readily. I ask mother: "Where to go to fly a kite? Aunt says to want to accompany lunar lake park to go fly a kite. " my mom says: "Good. " next, my mom asks I and little brother again: "Is you wear small white shoe still round of slippery shoe? " I and little brother slippery shoe of a disclose annulus. After I and him little brother had worn round of slippery shoe, mom begins evaporate steamed stuffed bun, steamed stuffed bun has a lot of kinds, have small Huang Ren steamed stuffed bun, small cake steamed stuffed bun, still meat meat is wrapped. After evaporate of steamed stuffed bun is good, mom has installed steamed stuffed bun with messtin. Took two canister potato again next piece go sending.


Went to park of partner month lake, after I slip to searching aunt to find aunt in front, I just know maternal aunt, uncle still has two cousins and cousin they had arrived. And they had mixed tent early food is ready also, food has wrap around Sa, beef is strung together, potato piece, paper cup cake but much more delicious! Still have pulsatile.


Satiate drink sufficient hind I begin fly a kite with the cousin, because wind-force is too small, so I can put the small kite of my cousin only, I am rapid in front run, butterfly kite followed at the back to be flown on very quickly rise. When I am trying the 2nd times, it flew not to rise, one be butterfly kite kite so propped up used rod to drop, just bring about it to fly not to rise. I have a dot to sit sadly in the kite that looks at other person to put aside to fly on the sky. At that time, the cousin walked over to tell me to want prep against wind to run, run to put a line slowly at the same time at the same time next. The method that I teach by the cousin took another octopus kite to run with the wind, when octopus kite flies high to the sky, they still have mom and cousin I, laughed happily.


We enjoyed the evening all the time, caiyiyibushede leaves park of the lake that accompany a month to come home severally. That day, it is me happy unforgettable day.
