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2022-10-15 15:31:03三年级访问手机版181

This summer, our school held annual ping-pong contest. On the playground, small yellow He Xiaogong is about to spread out to be opposite finally definitely, classmates are crying out excitedly aside, cheer bosomy interest for them.


Chirp sound rings, the match began. The little red vision that serve is staring at a ball closely, him for fear that one carelessly the ball can fly off from the hand. She casts ball upgrade deftly another is hit, the ball is in sky lay off a perfect radian, firm however quietly falls to Xiaohuang pat. Xiaohuang does not no hurry unbearably ground sideways, turn waist, skill, get sth done without any letup, hit smally red the force that is without strike back. Xiaohuang got a minute, if applause is thunderous since the noise.


Gradually, the match nears end, present score is 5 than 5. Last rounds, dou Bing stayed in classmates to breathe, see before going up, a walk with vigorous strides goes to Xiaohuang only, just like fierce tiger is downhill and same suddenly one brandish, hit the ball. Small red have bit of insecurity originally, on forehead oozy sweat, this, frightened to her stimulate clever, hesitate a bit play away the match.


Finally, xiaohuang got greatly pot, small red none crestfallen also, make an appointment with her next time again battle!
