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2022-10-04 17:34:07三年级访问手机版346


This afternoon, weather is sunny all the more, gentle breeze is being swayed gently, like touching us with respect to the hand that resembles resembling mother. I feel to suit to go very much musical square plays. I with respect to beg father: “ father, can you take me to go musical square? ”“ goes, you prepare first. ” father agreed readily.


We got ready to set out, arrived musical square, the first my various kite that in looking at a sky, fly. Look! There are ” of swallow of a “ and “ bee ” there flying high than who. Still have ” of two “ goldfish, their fish head is right piscine head, seem to fight in “ ” .

我们准备好就出发了, 到了音乐广场,我第一眼望到了天空中飞翔的各种各样的风筝。看!那边有一个“燕子”和“蜜蜂”在比谁飞得高。还有两条“金鱼”,它们鱼头对鱼头,好像在“打架”。

Walk into musical square, I come to little bridge, this little bridge can be the Eden of children. Little bridge full marks / have two vaulted big bridge opening, little bridge is very slippery, children like slippery on vaulted big bridge opening slide very much, go again slippery, if pleasure ground is common, children's lively laugh is in musical square in the sky resound.


The thing two sides of little bridge is big flower bed. Grow is worn here a lot of flowers and plants, right now, most flower is Chinese rose flower, have red, white, the •••••• beauty of light yellow color must resemble a picture scroll. Thousands of planting color is shown before me, people stops before flower bed stream even, often show which flower the most beautiful.


Musical square is a recreational good place, if you have an opportunity, go musical square, it can let you enter a beautiful world.
