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2022-09-30 05:39:14三年级访问手机版131


On Saturday, i, father, the other child that has still the class goes up climbs equestrian hill mountain together.


We as a child Mei Sha's mountain-climbing on the road hill, all the way we are joyous acoustical laugh language, try to overtake each other in friendly emulation. Took course of a paragraph of mountain-climbing, we come to the side of a brook, preparation marchs to the summit along brook. We mountaineer at the same time, admire beautiful scenery at the same time, roadside has the wild flower of multicoloured, have grotesque rock, going, I see a chute is hanged from the sky it seems that, “ the water acoustic image of clang clang ” is a magnificent movement since achieve. every bits of bit spray splashs the face in me to go up, cool cool, extremely relaxed.


Before we continue, go, a lot of lofty stone held off our outlet. Begin our full marks / hands or feet is used, climb very hardly. We complain say: “ is very tired! Climbed to be not moved. ” father says at the back: “ summit has delicious, insist after all to win namely. Father of inscription of ” stone home runs in foremost face, hold us in the arms one by one in the past.


Went for ages for ages, how be still less than the summit? Got lost? We ask security personnel the uncle. He shows a canal of right says: “ goes from this road. ” that road that we point to along security personnel uncle, took about half hour, reached destination eventually, we are so tired that we paralysis falls on the ground.


There is sock by the side of me, the edge is recalling climbed experience, not by remember a famous remark: Tickler is not had on the world, should agree only ascend.
