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2022-09-30 04:32:04三年级访问手机版510


Look, weather is much better today! Sunshine is beautiful, cloudless, suit amuse oneself very much. I come to amuse oneself of peach blossom pool.


Look from far, peach blossom is like hundreds little hand to be in to your beck, let you do not experience a warmth by the ground. But it resembles color of posse cooking starch again Yun Duo, loaf about between hill, bring a joy to you.


I cannot help gallopping ahead rise, as a pony foal that acting wildly. Go straight towards a tree below lever, peach is worn like an embroider the big umbrella of peach blossom, enveloping me, I feel filar silk cool desire not only.


The peach blossom on the tree is angry leaving, two 3, can let you see enough. Emerge to me like tide of peach blossom resembling, seem a girl that picking the United States, revealing her beauty to you. Look to among them one full marks / “ girl ” , she seem is saying: “ chooses me quickly, choose me quickly! I will take you to visit this peach blossom forest. ”


I am careful one look, the leaf of peach blossom still can become angry unexpectedly. The outerest it is pink, arrive more inside color is lighter, became white finally. With handle gently light one model, soft soft, cool cool. I think, if I turn big toe into the girl,lie above bask to be not carried have many comfortable.


Although wind is very big at that time, but I or the aroma that OK and clear Wen Jiantao spends, that is sweet differ with other aroma it seems that, take some sweet, take some of sick at heart again. Stroke of a breeze passes, I became peach blossom it seems that, wearing pink clothes, stand in gentle breeze, open double arm, as if oneself are a peach blossom, remove dance …… lightly in spring breeze
