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2022-09-27 01:38:12三年级访问手机版505


Weather is very good today, I and father saw good friend small contain together, small contain and grandma also should go to a park, we go to a park together.


There are a lot of children in the park, I two discussing to want what to play, small contain says she took skip two rounds of my moves skip, jump full marks / a little while I two tired. Then I put forward us two go collecting bullet, what kind of bullet does small contain ask me curiously?


I say: "Use dozen of catapult, of the white of round circle is. " small contain says: "We come the match, those who who see collect is much. " I am patting a hand to say: "Good ah good! "Good ah good!!


The match began, on the meadow, in covert...


I two begin to get those who get to search, passed a little while, small contain says: "See us what who collects is much ah? " me two collect are counted together, I collected eighteen, small contain collected 16. I say gladly: "I won! I won! I won!!


At that time father comes over to call me to say, dark we should come home. At that time I just see the sun had set, I say with small contain later, dark I should come home, the park comes about since our another next time. Small contain says: Good! Next time we even the match collects bullet! I promise small contain gladly.


Today is the happiest really a day oh!
