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2022-09-25 12:31:03三年级访问手机版468


Yi shoots day after


Once upon a time, a sun is on the world, people is heated up so that the mouth does glossal dry everyday. Eventually, a day when heat up so that cannot describe with the language in, the Yi after the one individual —— in giant a group of things with common features, eventually intolerable. He runs to the closest from the sun place with the rapiddest rate. Take out 10 subsequently bigger than hill the steeliness iron arrow of a few hundredfold, aim at one by one shot 10 suns.


But, since a day when shoot the sun, the sun that Yi is shot after is ironed dead. And rise from wherefrom day, went one year, the sun did not melt tardy, and become hotter and hotter. From now on, the earth turned ” of fire of a “ into the star.


Later, the son that is the Yi after the one individual —— with familial giant likewise was overcome. He reachs a the closest from glacial star place, the Chao Bingxing heating up an arrow that does with a sun next is shot. But put a star on the ice to was not shot, then hind the son of Yi returned giant a group of things with common features, the composition with her / brotherly sister together the nine sun make it that remain the ” of “ sun arrow with a vast power.


Later, hind the son of Yi goes to the closest from glacial star place again. Subsequently, shoot forcibly, shot glacial star. Result, after be born glacial a star, the son of Yi was died by ice after, and the world turned ice into hole.


Finally, the grandchildren of Yi couldn't help likewise after, like crossing him to did not resemble his father and grandfather. He thought a way above all, call together everybody to put the fire of own home next, caused ” of sun of a “ . Subsequently, he made a container that makes with ice again, put the sun on glacial boiler. Make holder again next there is one individual …… above the individual together


Finally, below everybody's make concerted effort, the sun was put appoint the position.


From now on, on the world ordinal the moon that is obscured by glacial star, sun appeared. Final, people passes went up to live happily.
