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2022-09-23 17:35:07三年级访问手机版362


Today, the teacher assigned an interesting task to us, let us come home do a test. You are guessed, what test did I do? Either " dancing wastepaper " , also not be " the music that can see " , right, be " briny float egg " .


Experimental material has: Egg, water, cup, salt, ladle and chopstick.


Above all, prepare a cup of clear water, put the egg in clear water, the egg rises without float, my questioningly solilo-quize: "Why does the egg rise without float? " I " bang " the ground beats cerebral door, briny float egg, that should want ability having salt to be opposite! One spoon salt was joined in water of my go toing, water begins a bit muddy rise. I take a chopstick, go to saline agitate melt, put the egg into water again, egg " Dong " the ground sink a cup of bottom, lie in cup bottom motionless. I think: Why does the egg rise without float? The likelihood is salt is put too little.


Then I joined two spoon salt in past cup again, put an egg. I am taking a chopstick to be in agitate, the egg resembles dancing be like, go up a little while, fall a little while. Also not be in water very peace and tranquility, resembling is sweep waterspout wind, the egg shakes place, float was in among, resemble a tumbler.


Finally, I added one spoon salt in past water again, agitate arrives deliquescent, at this moment, water had become snow-white color, resembled issueing snow same. At this moment, the egg showed a lovely small head from inside water, my agitato cries: "Succeeded, I succeeded eventually, egg float rose... "


Why can you succeed? Because briny density is more than the density of the egg,that is, let egg float rise.
