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2022-09-23 16:37:11三年级访问手机版324


Somebody likes grand Tian An Men, somebody likes the sea of stretch to the horizon, somebody likes extensive prairie, however I like a view most the god of picturesque, picturesque scenery farming brook.


The water of divine farming brook is clear see an end, stand on the bank, full marks / the inverted image that can see oneself. The mountain peak of La La's sky, lofty tree, two sides mirrors in water, resemble a beautiful picture scroll really. Brook face is windward Ping Langjing, like one side not the mirror of burnish. My pick up a stone, throw into water forcibly, babble as “ the noise of ” , brook face swings circuit circuit ripple, in sunshine beamed below glisten, very beautiful.


Cross-strait mountain peak 1000 appearance 100 condition, on any account is differ, some resembles pagoda, some resembles eagle, some resembling has incomputable tree on soldier …… hill, long of luxuriantly green of arboreous green of …… of tree of Korean pine, oak, pine, a hunderd li becomes repeatedly, resemble the ocean of a green. Brook edge has the flower of multicoloured, golden mother chrysanthemum, the morning glory of shallow purple, white jasmine flower …… is extremely beautiful! flower aroma is attractive, the bee was attracted, collect honey to this flower a little while, collect honey to that flower a little while.


Scenery of divine farming brook is attractive, I like divine farming brook. It is better to see for oneself rather than to hear for many times, divine farming brook welcomes your arrival forever!
