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2022-09-22 05:39:12三年级访问手机版470


Today, the teacher brought two eggs, want to take an experiment course. I this humorous king is in charge of above all " do laugh " : "Teacher, the test that you say puts the egg into water, add salt, knot rises, fall not to break on the ground! " the teacher is laughing to say: "Incorrect " . I am surprised extremely, open-eyed unceasingly, what selling drug in the teacher's calabash? Teacher smilingly ground says: "I one ripe egg mixes a lifetime in together, ask everybody to have why does method cent come out? Ask everybody to have why does method cent come out??


I begin to think over and over immediately, think hard, be without main threads of an affair, I have deep love for science this


little boy of one mind wants to do the whole thing comes to light. My face about treats everybody, woebegone also, abrupt brainwave easily, thought up good idea, raise a hand immediately for: "Can use hear " . The teacher says smilingly: "Then you are heard. " I am on a stage happily, take a circle the egg smells, can be like " flavour " be same! I break out crank again: "Can use turn, because ripe egg turns,rise, can fly like top, and Where is unripe egg? Can resemble doing not have brains only, shook a few times to stop. " the teacher allowed straight complimentary I am small argute.


Opened the scientist's mystery unexpectedly, the teacher is forced to use go actually opening this " a door " , she took out these two chubby eggs to be knocked a few times on the desk, broke, fall into the cup, unripe! We look absorbedly, screen stays in what breath expects another egg " real features " . The teacher knocked an egg again, ripe! Look I am guessed was opposite! "Yeah " I cheer uncontrollably caper, as if explored another the New World-the Americas.


Pass this test, make me clear want to think more, much observation, science often is beside me.
