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2022-09-19 15:39:12三年级访问手机版201


Sun high above in the sky is illuminated, flower laughs to me. Today, mom belt plays in the field that I come to. Arrived in field, I saw a golden marine —— cole is spent.


Oily cauliflower had left not little, dish leaf is endured endure crowded crowded, you do not let me I do not let you. Golden oily cauliflower appears directly in these dish leaves come. Some ability spread out 3 two leaf; Some leaf spread out completely, show the stamen of golden color. Some or bud, look full bilge so that want crack immediately like.


So much cole is beautiful, one has pose, see this one, just like Xi Shi is beautiful in that way. See that one, just like is wearing full marks / aureate dress girl. If spend the one pool cole before,perceive the picture that lives considerably, the competence of that painter can shine really.


I feel he ases if even if a cole is spent suddenly, wearing golden clothes, stand in sunshine. A breeze is blown, I have dance lightly, golden clothes follows wind flap. Not only it is me, temporarily oily cauliflower is in dancing. Wind passed, I stopped orchestic, stand silently in that. Birdie flies, tell me the joy of flight of early in the morning. Butterfly flies round my skirt, tell me its secret.


It is good to passed a little while, I just recall I am not oily cauliflower, I am to seeing rape fancy suiting.
