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2022-07-07 10:05:04三年级访问手机版199

On the first day of school, I walked into the class with a smile on my face and saw everyone chatting. I also joined the group chatting team. Suddenly, the team leader looked at me seriously and said,“ Only you haven't handed in your homework. Hand it in quickly;. I said arrogantly:“ What's the hurry? I'll give it to you” I took out my homework one by one and handed it to the team leader. Then I said,“ Is that enough” The team leader checked and said,“ It seems that you still have one homework to hand in”“ Ah! It can't be true? Why are you so unlucky; I was so anxious that my thighs trembled, my hands were sweating, my back was cold, and I felt my heart in my throat. I thought,“ I checked it carefully last night! There is no shortage of homework” I felt my eyes blurred, as if I saw countless texts waving to me, and as if it was late at night, the temperature was falling rapidly, and I sat down in my chair and cried loudly. Everyone came to comfort me, but the thought of copying the text made me cry again


at this time, Fu Haocheng behind me also fell into a well and gave me a sneer:“ It seems that you can't finish copying the text at 12 o'clock tonight. Ha ha ha” I think I have to call my mother quickly and ask her to deliver it. Thinking of this, I looked for a telephone watch everywhere like catching a straw, but then I found that I didn't bring a telephone watch today! What should I do? I thought to myself: no matter what, I'll go to the bathroom and hide first


the teacher came to class. After a while, he found that I was missing. He asked the students where I had been? The students replied in unison:“ Toilet”. Then the teacher asked two students to pull me back. After the teacher asked about the situation, he said kindly:“ Today is the first day of school. It's all right. It's not an example”


I was relieved that the clothes behind me were chilly
