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2022-07-06 06:09:09三年级访问手机版447

Early on Saturday morning, I was still in a dream. I was awakened by the alarm clock. It was only 8:30. I said to my mother:“ It's still early. Let me sleep again” Mother said:“ Get up, get up! There's a calligraphy class today. It's too late” After listening to my mother, I suddenly sat up. Ah! I almost forgot that there is calligraphy class today! I got up quickly, washed my face, brushed my teeth, changed my clothes and hurried to the classroom with my mother


came to the classroom and found that many students had come. Fortunately, I'm not late, because teacher Lele hasn't come yet! I hurried back to my seat, put on my apron, took out my brush and was ready for the teacher's class


teacher Lele came and we began our class. She began to teach me to write about Culture“ Text” Word. At first, I didn't master it well and wrote it askew. Teacher Lele pointed out my mistake and held my handwriting twice. While holding me to write, she talked about the essentials of writing this word. After repeated practice, I gradually mastered the essentials. Teacher Lele said I wrote well and taught me a few other words


time flies. Two hours will arrive soon. After checking my handwriting, teacher Lele praised me for my progress in writing. I was delighted to hear that. My mother came to pick me up. I quickly showed my mother the words written today. My mother said they were good and took a picture to send to my father


I like calligraphy and teacher Lele
