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2022-05-23 10:58:00三年级访问手机版454

If I am one cloudlet, the young associate that my general calls together me in arid area people undertake rainfall, let crop go out of cultivation no longer. Make the earth new coruscate opportunity of survival, I feel burning hot in people even when, for him (she) people keep out sunshine, send cool and refreshing wind.


If I am a chef, the cate that I can do me shares epicure people, I share those impoverished and a mountainous area people even, let him (she) people also can sample eat the cate that be less than at ordinary times, have a full happy feeling.


If I am a large tree, I can purify the air all round, become pure and fresh. If people feels hot, the leaf that I can write a composition me is opened wide, let people come enjoy the cool below shade of a tree.


If I am a street lamp, I can send those roads taking night to be afraid of black person my ray, let him (she) people the ray can see in the night, visit clear the way home, let him (she) people no longer because of beamed without light road trip, and got hurt.


If I am a painter, I can paint a few interesting pictures, let him (she) people after can seeing a picture, beam with smiles, enjoying my work.


If I am an epicure, a flower, a dew, …… of a teacher if my desire can come true. It is good that that should have many!
