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2022-10-24 17:38:16六年级访问手机版372

Hasty the summer, sky as always blue. The wind south is taking enthusiasm of have one's bosom filled with to embrace whole summer as before.


The Chan of that river Chan before A mother-in-law door has flowed hundreds of years, of the stone burnish in the river rounded. 3 of river side big maple perseverance is forceful, towards vaster land outspread spread.


A is fair bed removing bamboo is worn to be away for the summer holidays to us below the tree enjoy the cool. The south wind of boiling hot has played river side, river water developed cool to wind however, big and shock maple leaf obscured burning hot light. Purl bites babble Dong, cicada chant this is incessant.


Cicada cries gradually far, if Guang Reyin shows. Also be same summer on the bamboo bed that mother-in-law of A fair A accompanies me to lie in river side, one person of mother-in-law of A fair A lies to place me at the same time inter, the cattail leaf fan in their hand sways gently. Saying run of the daily life of a family is short, discussing the work tomorrow to want how to work. I lie in them several intermediate star that also do not count forever. Now and then still the shooting star has delimited, that is I had seen the most beautiful recent sky. Can conceive li of go off in A mother-in-law gradually.


What early morning wakes up is kindling sound, running water sound, cicada song. The dense rice in available still gas is aromatic with the tree that burns firewood sweet. Gargle is washed to be over to be able to sit on bamboo bed to have breakfast in river side, mud of a bowl of pea, fish of river of a dish of decoct, a bowl of chili fries green vegetables, the congee in the bowl is A fair early cool good. "A few bowls to eat today? " A is fair should ask a few times everyday. I always am 3 fingers since vertical stroke, 3 bowls? A Gong Xiaoxiao nods, eat so much to want to help A business live.


But to later, I left that place, every time blowy metropolis remembers cattail leaf fan; Later, I see star remember A old woman every time; Later, I eat every time much pea mud can remember native land; Later, I think of countryside to be in every time, summer...


Also not because other, because too much memory was installed in midsummer, shake, broke full ground.
