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2022-10-24 13:31:03六年级访问手机版302

The Yin Shiqing when today's weather, look at such weather, let me can't help associating to the cloud yesterday.


Yesterday, mom is taking I and little brother to be on the road that goes to a supermarket, I dull when, the little brother seemed to have interest to every piece cloud drift of the sky, he is pointing to the sky suddenly, say: "Mom, you see the sky have plane cloud. " mom looks at the sky, say: "Have what plane, that rises like a battleplan. " the little brother shows the sky behind the move says again: "That still has a battleplan! They two fighting? " I look at a little brother that lovely appearance, can'ted help laughing.


I look at the sky that grotesque cloud, some resembles feather, wave gently in sky; Some resembles scale, arranging shipshapely pieces; Some is to-and-fro like Yang Qun; Some resembles one bed large quilt, chock covered sky.


I am interested in those lovely cloud, the little brother discovered an interesting cloud suddenly again, he is dragging my dress to call me all the time: "Elder sister, you see the hammer that has Thor. " the place that I look at a little brother to point to, say: "This where is the hammer of Thor, this is Tang San's Hao Tianchui obviously. " I and little brother argue for this a long time, final Yun Piao went, whats did not stay.


Celestial Bai Yun has waved pieces on the head, here wave, there wave, stop sometimes do not move gather rise, change all sorts of appearance, temporarily to fishing old man, resemble sheep temporarily, in zephyr, his attitude is so beautiful, it is so interesting.


At this moment I saw an odd picture, one continuous line sits in the sky, slowly in move about, there is on the side of its surfy " the sea " , at this moment, I as if hear dragon says so: "Well, is this the sea? How to wave to come to the sky? " carefree roam is in Long Fang Buddha in the sea of clouds, slowly also do not know whereaboutldirection.


Still have other various cloud, from time to time is fighting like boar and elephant, do not know to who be defeated by to win; From time to time is the following like explosion mushroom, I think of very much above go walking ah... cloud drift waves slower more, light Yun Ying gradually transparent, yun Ying goes gently too street, pass by housetop, obscure people, as if want mop to drop the mud dust above wall and housetop, erasure the scowl on people face.


The cloud is on sun head gently waving, going, resemble gentle batt a little while, if fly, if stop, of action if come, push if go, resemble the courser that gallop a little while, go behindhand to far, seem to want to hurry off to battlefield; Resemble palace of celestial being hill a little while, become repeatedly sinuate, continuous and ceaseless Great Wall, aureate sunshine draws the rough sketch that gave palace of celestial being hill.


Every cloudlet has his distinctive color, let a person be unable to bear or endure praise rises, the cloud of all author the wording and purpose of what one writes is unique, I include inside. I am next to the cloud of the beautiful day that be like celestial being, like faery, we are being looked attentively at on the sky, give us a few lucky.
