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2022-10-24 05:33:06六年级访问手机版486

Afternoon, the elder sister asks: "Do we go down shuttlecock? " I say: "Good, very long did not take exercise. " the elder sister bades: "Then you take battledore and badminton to go down. " I reply: "Good. "Good..


Arrived below, we begin shuttlecock. The elder sister offers: "Will we than who be hit win? " ground of my not worry at all tells: "Than be being compared, who is afraid of? Who is afraid of??


The first ball, I send the past forcibly. The elder sister takes bat, alignment is patted. I raise bat to hit the ball rapidly, ball of for fear that can be here fall down. Finally, I sent tall fast ball, the elder sister was not received, I won the first bureau.


The elder sister is ill-affected: "Never mind, you perhaps are killed instead at the back of me. " I tell: "Good, see you have this ability. See you have this ability..


The 2nd bureau, still be I serve first, I flap in the past, the elder sister came a fight back, I do not have reaction to come over, ball in me here be born. Hitting, hitting, the elder sister won. Elder sister great says: "Right, I can win come back. " I object: "Not certain, last bureau decides victory or defeat. " the elder sister replies: "Good, last bureau decides victory or defeat, must not act shamelessly. Must not act shamelessly..


The 3rd bureau, a high ball sends the elder sister, my within an inch of does not have catching. I sent a high ball to her again, ha, the elder sister does not have reaction to come over, the ball falls on her head. Be too comical really, I won last bureau.


The elder sister is exculpatory: "It is you this lucky, next time not certain. " I say gladly: "How does that say I also am this to win. " the elder sister cries: "Then I must win you next time. " I laugh: "That still waits next time, perhaps I won again! Perhaps I won again!!
