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2022-10-21 11:35:10六年级访问手机版305

The mom of others is so laborious virtuous, and my Mom however very " frowsty egg " . Although have a suit kitchen art, also connect bake slightly, however all the day I nod flicker insipid outside sell. She can sit to standing absolutely, can lie to sitting absolutely. The activity of the school, she never attends, the teacher sends inform her of alternative blindness. When I look for her to play, she is met certainly Lai Hu breathes out the ground falls toward sofa, resembling is was ticked off to join the body by sofa: " alas quite tired! You yourself can play! You yourself can play!!


4 grade once, mom is to stung by conscience probably, agree to accompany me to enter the activity of fruit assorted cold dishes of class. Mom shut him mysteriously in the evening that day close in the kitchen, I knock knock: "Mom, unapt so urgent, still have several days of compositions anyway! Are you clearing away some of what after all? " she opens an a crack between a door and its frame slightly, show half pieces of face, eye ground has delimited a light, pretend to be lofty path: "Nature's mystery cannot be divulged, to moment you know " say, slam door, asked me to eat a bowl " a thick soup that close the door " .


"Be worthy of is a frowsty egg, block cloak attack by surprise, really babyish to incurable. " I spit groove secretly in the heart. Long for eventually that day, what 3 outfit get full to the brim is move to tidy chest like mom conjure, we go to stop all the way, reaching base already was breathless. The case opens that ases if momently come loose in whole house full golden light, everybody runnings view and emulate our equipment.


Mom fed material to still take a lot of adornment and tool besides what abound, printed picture of a pile of assorted cold dishes attentively still even, everybody borrows material to want a picture to her. The white porcelain disc of unified configuration is completely on other desk, only my mom used the dish of modelling of of all kinds that her specially buys, we made 4 elegant work. Although mom often does not enter an activity, but she attends is the son with whole the most beautiful class.


Since then mom fame big a confusion of voices, want to the activity is appointed to be a group leader by the teacher only, my dawdler mom is regretting up to now oneself are exposed too early, also cannot become again army deserter.


Weekend afternoon, already was deep autumn, deciduous leaf full ground. The invitation of mom in spirits I fight Xie Geng, I with mom of conquer of stalk of a leaf 5 leaves straighten, mom sighs, refuse hand middle period straightens, two tactics inserts bag, "Go, come home rest rest! " to lengthen this precious playtime, I pretend to suffer a defeat, let mom intentionally repeatedly battle is gotten the better of repeatedly, she is so complacent that she admire a chin, "Look, ginger is old still hot! Ginger is old still hot!!


Hey! Really dull, play a game to also want to fool her, my helpless booth hand, be seized by a whim collected Xie Ju of a phoenix tree to be on mom head, point to the shadow on touchdown. "Mom looks quickly! Imperial crown was worn on your head. " mom sees shape drew out a mobile phone quickly, brush brush camera lens, slow like the robot stiff rotational body, move shadow to the wall, the upper part of the body maintains do not move, fall slightly crouch. " do not move, move high point, toward right place, the hand does not shake. " " good, had been patted, was thrown! Was thrown!!


The likelihood is in lay eye, my mother is very young, very dull, very frowsty egg. Fine fine taste on one time, in these " frowsty egg dull " there is a mother however in the thing not die out childishness and reticent to me love. Be frowsty egg mom, to me dull life is scattered went up a candy.
