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2022-10-04 01:36:09六年级访问手机版124


If not was to look " several manage change common historical novel " this book, I perhaps won't imagine, what the truth comes is such not easy.


If created the Copernicus of heliocentric theory, was to put forward to say egoistically merely, by be burned bloodily dead. Till later ages, after passing more than 89 years, the heliocentric theory of Copernicus just is accepted gradually. You still held to the brother his truth, if he calls in immediately after be warned, perhaps oneself won't be burned dead.


Next I am a conte that holds to the truth: One day, on classroom, philosopher Socrates takes out an apple, the station says before dais: “ asks everybody to hear the flavour in smelling air! Raise one's hand of a student answers ” : “ I smelled, it is malic fragrance! ” Socrates steps down dais, lifting an apple slowly from each student before had gone, exhort: Everybody hears “ again carefully, is malic sweet smell had in air? ” already had the student of half the number to raise a hand at this moment. Socrates returns dais to go up, new a moment ago problem. This, do not have raise one's hand besides a student outside, someone else all raised a hand. Revive problem. This, besides the student does not have raise one's hand outside, someone else all raised a hand. Socrates goes ask before this student: “ your true what odour also did not smell? That student says ” for certain: My true whats don't have “ smell! ” at this moment, socrates announces to everybody: “ he is right, because this is a false apple. ” learns this to be born with is later the philosopher Plato of famous. Make much time, we had been close to the truth, but because of self-doubt, and left the truth. The courage that Plato holds to the truth results from the sturdy belief to the fact. The road that leads to the truth won't full marks of one sail wind / suitable, want to be not puzzled by false appearance place, the key sees us whether hold to after all to the truth. •••• cloth Lu Nuo, he is born in the Nola near Naples to press down. He is born in the Nola near Naples to press down. 17 years old enter Shengduominijia monastery, the Buddhist nun adds monastery, but the “ celestial bodies that he supports Copernicus very much moves by ” . But the “ celestial bodies that he supports Copernicus very much moves by ” . When 28 years old, because object Rome listing churchly decayed system and leave monastery, when year old, because object Rome listing churchly decayed system and leave monastery, exiled Western Europe is exiled Western Europe, ever ever used the different form such as lecture of lecture, lecture, article to object the earth's core with lecture exiled Western Europe is exiled Western Europe, ever ever used the different form such as lecture of lecture, lecture, article to object the earth's core saying with lecture, advocate new idea. He thinks: “ is the truth and the fight is life the biggest say, advocate new idea. He thinks: “ is the truth and the fight is the pleasure with the greatest life. The fun of ” . ”1592 year, bruno is cheated Venice is arrested year, bruno is cheated Venice is arrested, in prison cell he is gallant and castiron in 8 years. He is gallant and castiron in occupying prison cell 8 years. According to carrying 1599, bruno announces to not have but confess, he did not do any businesses that can go back on his word. Affection. He says: “ is before the truth, I half pace also not concede! He says ” : “ is before the truth, I half pace also not concede! ” is mixed with “ heretical element finally the accusation of the teacher ” of heretical element, at the accusation of the teacher ” of “ heretical element and heretical element, 1600 17 be burned to die in Roman flower square to be burned to die in Roman flower square every day.

接下来我是一个坚持真理的小故事:一天,在课堂上,哲学家苏格拉底拿出一个苹果,站在讲台前说:“请大家闻闻空气中的味道!”一位学生举手回答:“我闻到了,是苹果的香味!”苏格拉底走下讲台,举着苹果慢慢地从每一个学生的面前走过,并叮嘱道:“大家再仔细闻一闻,空气中有没有苹果的香味?”这时已有半数的学生举起了手。苏格拉底回到讲台上,又重新了刚才的问题。这一次,除了一个学生没有举手外,其他人全都举起了手。苏的问题。这次,除了个学生没有举手外,其他人全都举起了手。苏格拉底走到这位学生面前问:“难道你真的什么气味也没闻到吗?”那个学生肯定地说:“我真的什么也没闻到!”这时,苏格拉底对大家宣布:“他是对的,因为这是一只假苹果。”这个学生就是后来大名鼎鼎的哲学家柏拉图。许多时候,我们已经接近了真理,但因为缺少自信,而离开了真理。柏拉图坚持真理的勇气就源于对事实的坚定信念。通往真理的道路不会一帆风满分/顺,要想不被假象所迷惑,关键就看我们是否对真理坚持到底。••••布鲁诺,他出生于那不勒斯附近的诺拉镇。他出生于那不勒斯附近的诺拉镇。17岁进入圣多米尼加修道院,尼加修道院,但他非常拥护哥白尼的“天体运行论”。但他非常拥护哥白尼的“天体运行论”。28岁时,因反对罗马列教会的腐朽制度而离开修道院,岁时,因反对罗马列教会的腐朽制度而离开修道院,流亡西欧流亡西欧,曾用讲演曾用讲演 、讲课讲课 、文章等不同形式反对地心流亡西欧流亡西欧,曾用讲演曾用讲演 、讲课讲课 、文章等不同形式反对地心说,宣扬新思想。他认为:“为真理而斗争是人生最大说,宣扬新思想。他认为:“为真理而斗争是人生最大的乐趣。”的乐趣。”1592年,布鲁诺被骗到威尼斯并遭逮捕年,布鲁诺被骗到威尼斯并遭逮捕,在囚室八年中他英勇不屈。据囚室八年中他英勇不屈。据1599年载,布鲁诺宣布无可招供,他没有做任何可以反悔的事情。情。他说:“在真理面前,我半步也不退让!”他说:“在真理面前,我半步也不退让!”最后以“异端分子和异端分子的老师”的罪名,于“异端分子和异端分子的老师”的罪名,于1600年17日日被烧死在罗马鲜花广场被烧死在罗马鲜花广场。

Truth hard-earned, scientists change a lot of truths with the life. Greet for them.
