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2022-09-28 11:33:06六年级访问手机版261


“ difficulty resembles bedspring, you are strong it is weak. You are weak it is strong ” , this word tells us, it is how old and difficult to be encountered no matter, want to learn to hold to. Hold to spirit only, you can conquer it.


Piano has magical appeal to me. Remember the clearest first time, it is probably in I am 5 years old when, watch of my classics haunt plays in sister home, that day in the evening, when I go at the door sister home, was attracted by a pleasant and wonderful tweedle elder sister room.


Na Yinyun and moon are scattered beside my euqally, faint lamp illumination arrived on the elder sister's body, she plays musical instrument to come, it is how serious how make a person enchanted! I am in those days like how envisaging an elder sister, play a beautiful and beautiful song. I am then resolved, on the arena that must stand in oneself, spiccato give another first one pleasant song.


Slowly, I was brought up. I begin to learn piano, in the process of study, I did not know to shed how many sweat and tear, every time hand board is put on key, mean lazy, the teacher must remind from time to time, but I am done namely bad, I am how it is good to want to play song play song attentively make a teacher happy. Remember that, I write a composition the fluently of first one bullet / , but arrive,attend class, brain remembers other issue, I with respect to give a little attention to, the hand also does not listen handle, play a fault at a draught a lot of sound, the teacher tells me for many times, I cannot enter state namely. Under teacher stretch, growl I, before long, I had answered a god to come eventually, the teacher says “ child blandly, you to piano this respect is held out gifted, but cannot make a teacher disappointed! Learn piano to follow suffering, difficult, but when you should learn to face difficulty, learn to hold to. The hope of Mr. ” is like bugle, hearten I am forward.


When I will want to abandon every time henceforth, think of the teacher's word, the effort that can'ts help however insisted to come down. Eventually one day, because of my effort, I attended the show in piano house, I got the 2nd successfully, although stage is very small,do not have dazzling lamplight, although just took the 2nd, but I believe, want hard only, later still can the opportunity goes big scenic. Want to may encounter a variety of difficulty in this process. But also must learn to hold to.


Difficult, just be the stumbling block of life. Want your spurn only he, you are OK carefree go forth. Believe oneself, learn to hold to.


That momently, my conquer difficult.
