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2022-09-27 12:32:05六年级访问手机版180


Every time when the somebody on the concrete route before I see my door cycles, can remember the …… of many a thing year ago


When remembering on 2 year, door mouth often somebody rides a bicycle, then, my heart gives birth to envy. I am troubled by heavenly palace ”—— to making a noise to be troubled by greatly in the “ in the home should learn to cycle. Mom says to me: “ son, you are small still, cannot learn a bicycle, if falling,touching that bad. Hum, otherwise such, when waiting for on you 3 grade, mom buys a car to you, learn again to moment, ? ”


Wait ah wait, I go up eventually 3 grade, mom bought red ” of China of a “ to me, I am filled with joy the bicycle that the ground sees this beauty, run to father before, say: “ father father! Teach me to cycle! Good father! ” father says: Should you learn “ certainly? Very difficult, and the likelihood still can get hurt, are you afraid of? The word respecting of ” father went in my the bottom of one's heart, but I am to want to learn really! Say: “ is not afraid of, I want to learn! ”“ ? ! ” father hesitated, say: “ is good, we go! ”


We are pushing a car to come to square, father did not teach me to cycle immediately, raise good car begin lecturing “ this is bibcock, this is seat cushion, this is ground of be favored with of ……” garrulous long-winded said most day, anyway I also did not listen one sentence go in, of one mind is wanting to sit to try only. Father also saw my idea, say: “ is good, we begin! The one's voice in speech of ” father just fell, I sit to write a composition with respect to ground of too impatient to wait / go, the foot toes step on footplate, oneself began to ride. Extreme joy begets sorrow, because him palm cannot accuse the balance of the car, did not walk along two meters to throw a “ dog to gnaw ground ” . Father walks over to say: “ does not have a thing, the child, just beginning tumble is very normal, want you to remember father a moment ago gave you the technical essentials that tell only, insist to learn with respect to regular meeting, victory with respect to forwardly! ”


Trip climb to come again, just rode trip, relapse instead so answer do not know how many times, although all over already bruise again and again, but I never had wanted to want to abandon. Slowly I comprehended what father imparts to ride car skill, “ China red ” also begins to listened to me to handle, and ride better more.


Yes, it is such by bike, the life also is like this. The “ that says like father holds to even if triumphal ” is same, we do a thing, must hold to for a long time, ability progresses somewhat, be done only seriously, ability is done incisively and vividly. Mom once said to me “ works, should do it is good to be about to do him do him, be inferior to be not being done otherwise. This word is opposite ” I inspire quite much: Hold to, it is a kind of character, hold to, it is the brushstroke fortune in life.


I once had read a stories on the book: Outstanding inventor holds Mass · edison in the palm, to find out appropriate filament, he once was done 600 for many times experiment, failed however, but he still does not abandon. The scientist succeeds impossibly, be me what is more,the rather that.


Terrible is not failure, terrible is to encounter failure to abandon.
