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2022-09-27 06:31:03六年级访问手机版128


Speak of dragon boat festival, believe authority is not new. This is the traditional festival of our China. How to let traditional festival pass significantly? Next, invite you to admire us the bag zhongzi activity of 21 days Gao Qishuang, let you see the dragon boat festival of a having sth new absolutely.


Look! Each groups players are already ready, still have the help of parents, believing this activity is full of vim and vigour certainly! Be in right now, forgive president came, so he also accompanies us to enter packet of zhongzi activity, we are unusually surprizing!


As classmaster thunder teacher make fall, the match was pulled open formally prelusive. Wow, see the sincere letter group here, it is in full swing really! Feng Ting's rate is really rapid, just had filled in the ormosia in the zhongzi, gram, used cord to bind immediately, the eyes is very dedicated, glare must rectify eyeball to be about like.


Well, the unitive group there distinguish oneself. Cao Mengshu's mom is really fierce, see she does not no hurry unbearably only, zong leaf is in her hand dance appearance is elegant, formed to do not have the ” of “ funnel form of breach. Write a composition again / fill ormosia, gram and polished glutinous rice with ladle inside go, change form of a 3 solution, had bound the zhongzi with cord finally, do not let the rice leakage inside come. Each zhongzi falls from mom of Cao dream Shu's address both hands.


See the double eagle group there again! Be worthy of is Shuang Ying, it is take the lead really. The gimmick of Xu Qian grandma is really agile, but this is little also not of Xu Qian help.


Hum, the inapproachable group with high fight is unwilling also give the impression of weakness. Zhang Junying's mom wraps the zhongzi in beginning adroitly, for fear that has which one pace to did not reach the designated position.


Hum, our wisdom group can not be good those who offend, the tiger is not sent power, you become me is sick cat! I take Zong page, its twist, fold, put ormosia again, fold the leaf of another horn downward, bind again on, a delicate ormosia Zong comes out cough up!


Finished class, the Yu Hui illuminate of setting sun comes down, it is so bright, so good!


This is I wrap a zhongzi for the first time, and it is whole class classmate is wrapped together, still have the company of mom and teacher, special upright midday, extraordinary experience, eternal life is unforgettable.
