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2022-09-24 18:32:04六年级访问手机版229


The person's lifetime has 3 days only, yesterday, today, tomorrow.


These 3 days are different, perhaps be happy, perhaps be painful; Only oneself experience, ability experiences the acid of the life, sweet, bitter, hot.


What we can not forget is the disgrace that happened on our body yesterday, we cannot be partitioned by others at will. Those who a word says is good, the thing does not forget before, the division of funeral affairs. What we experience the thing that passes badly, want to prevent, do not let it be in happen. We cannot be done ate to be owed, not long still one wisdom thing, but you can be redeemed. Although yesterday won't come back, but you still have mix today tomorrow.


Yesterday perhaps is faulty, not satisfactory. We should do should not be complain blindly, should think method goes changing however, today's we are to be different from yesterday, we can not be enmeshed yesterday. Perhaps can produce unpleasantness, but that is meeting past after all. We should forget all unpleasantness, brace, go facing today. It is one composition everyday / new beginning.


We should not pull all jobs to tomorrow. Today's thing should have been done today. If do not finish on time, ground procrastinate go down, final accomplish nothing.


We are dictate of each days, we have the right of the choice, need not be subject to the arrangement that what goes up to the sky. Our manage should master his destiny, and the best expression that masters a destiny, hold namely today; Held today, you just were to have it truly.


Tomorrow, it is yearning, it is future, it is a hope. Want to have good future, and make its are not ideal, also building the make arduous efforts base today over. And hope however today's effort points to promising clear direction, make we do not take roundabout way, immerse oneself in pull a cart, also look up see a way. Good future also is worn in call we, give us incentive power.


Sum up yesterday, had done today, look into tomorrow.


Stand today, review yesterday, look into tomorrow; Do a great person, you just are the dictate of time.
