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2022-09-23 07:39:12六年级访问手机版280


Because the ship crashs,Lu Bin inferiors, so he by driftage barren island. On the island, he solved problem of fresh water alimental ably, and he took a lot of provision from the boat that he crashs, gave Lu Bin very big comfort.


Because Lu Bin abdicate got giving, so he used these material to build a very good house to live, his life on barren island is richer and richer, even every day ovine grandma is drunk, cheese ate to have even bread even.


Lu Bin inferiored to wait for ten years on barren island, until discovered footmark of a savage one day, make him astonied. After he discovers savage footmark all the time be nervous, until have full marks / a day, discovery of Lu Bin abdicate has the cliff on savage again, save the savage that issued to be about to eat off hard, the lackey that this savage becomes him later, it is its entitle “ on Friday ” .


Passed for ages again, savage came again, lu Bin inferiors and fight brave to save with savage battle of wits on Friday played a Spaish and the father on Friday, they work 4 times together efficiency is taller.


Spent a month again, large ship of the Englishman comes to this island, paralell connection added up to a captain to recapture large ship, lu Bin inferiored to be able to go back to the motherland eventually, the souvenir that go up mixed the island on his belt to answer England on Friday. The everybody after they go back to the motherland says Lu Bin inferiors is a miracle.
