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2022-09-21 03:34:07六年级访问手机版323


" on the west travel notes " it is contemporary one of 4 big famous book, by bright generation Wu Chengen is written, go according to the Xuan Zang of true person —— of Tang Dynasty and true thing —— Indian go on a pilgrimage for Buddhist scriptures serves as masterstroke, be adapted with a lot of folklore again and become, formed this to be made outstandingly.


At the beginning, those who tell is Sun Wu skips from Shi Li for nothing piece, alarm heaven and earth, with group monkey bets, become king of beautiful clever boy, for immortal not old, go doing obeisance to division everywhere, for a long time of all previous classics, find bodhi the founder of a school of learning, obtain after the suggestion immortal not old body, exceed fast fall cloud, still have seventy-two metamorphoses, give division door because of show off and be being chased however, the dress and golden cudgel are gotten to place of the Dragon King after, monkey lets over Hades kind eternal life, in big afterwar the peach that be stolen by hind of offer amnesty and enlistment to rebels drinks take pellet or powder, after returning beautiful fruit hill, with big fight of 100 thousand troops from heaven-an invincible army, with too man spirit tussle, finally because anxious, by too go up old gentleman arrest, disable with punishment, by furnace of coop the Eight Diagrams, practice becomes piercing eye, be troubled by heavenly palace again, failure bets with Buddha after, hill of the five elements that be pressed, affixed accord with.


Back-to-back, 500 pass, a predecessor is Jin Chan child the child is born, father is Number One Scholar, the mother is / of full marks of prime minister son, ought happy, be in because of a local tyrant however before one's death funeral father, still was occupied Mom, the grandma also is stranded all the time, not bad his pa went be apt to, save the Dragon King below, be revived by promise, across, the Xuan Zang that just was born is killed because of be afraid of be cast to be in by the mother maritime, be collected by bonze, later, xuan Zang found prime minister, killed local tyrant, recapture the daughter, father is renascent, the grandma is gotten to admit, right now, because Tang Wang fails to save next disobeying day the Dragon King saw Hades be changed life, when holding plenary meeting, a term applied to a kindhearted person that wanting learn from sb else's experience seeking a person saw him, hold the post of him to be person of go on a pilgrimage for Buddhist scriptures.


The Tang Dynasty after the monk went a little while, uncover accord with to save first realize empty, encountered again burned palace, the prince that is saved to fall by Bodhisattva, ate Bai Ma, bodhisattva appears personally later, let him turn into horse, encounter because of play goddess in the moon descend to the world be demotinged changes the Tianpeng marshal of the pig, encountered a shade general of because of breaking coloured glaze small cup into pieces descend to the world be demotinged again, finally, form group of go on a pilgrimage for Buddhist scriptures.


On the road, they encountered the essence of bones of the dead that tangles hard, fierce igneous child, strange 6 ear macaque, accomplished each classical, finally, through ninety-nine thousand seven hundred and ninety-one difficult, obtained true classics.
