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2022-09-19 15:33:05六年级访问手机版357


“ hey, this problem is very simple! ”“ is, namely, I feel I can take an examination of 98 minutes of above. ”……


Look at classmates to comment in succession, I can'ted help laughing at sound. This exam problem is very simple really, I been wantinging to after I consider 100 minutes, wanted how to be celebrated. My face about is confident to be the same as desk say, “ is breathed out, we will bet, bet our two whose places more before leaning. ”


Arrived to announce result eventually when! I am thinking in the heart: Is “ is the 2nd still the 3rd? The first is unlikely, calculated, still read report! Do bad to return really the first. ” report came out, my solilo-quize arrives: “ is done not have the first times, that is the 2nd, 3, the 2nd also is not, the 3rd still is not ……” before looking all the time 10, do not have me, before rising hastily immediately in my heart 2 compositions / 10 also do not have me, tear had flowed.


Saw eventually, but, with that “21” after the name, although the word is small, prickled my heart deeply however. Eventually, I am covering the face cried. Examination paper hair came down, above that greatly 90, make me more sad.


On the way home, my heart resembles be being put into a plumbic piece euqally heavy. There is that piece of examination paper in the hand, wish to give shred it, not, the broken bits that rips it not remnant!


Arrived in the home, I couldn't help again, develop a room, locked up people, cried loudly to rise. Come over for a long time, I just come down gradually calmly. Perhaps, the life is such! Be full of twist, those who spread all over bramble also is life needs the course of classics!


Then, I take that piece of not quite up to the mark by the examination paper of my shred, serious ground was analysed rise ……
