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2022-06-08 10:05:06二年级访问手机版503

Today is 51 May Days, it is the festival of whole world working people.


Early morning, the morning song that birdie chirps woke me up. I sit up from the bed slowly, pull open a curtain, sunshine jumps into my room!


After breakfast, I and contain contain, jump jump, mom come farm of zoology of Yu Yaoguo sweet garden. Enter a farm, scan widely looks, hundreds of mus cherry introduces eye. Approach to look, hang on the tree full red big cherry gains. Have 3 two a string small, also write a composition have ten a string big. By tens of thousands red cherry is hanged between branch, bright like a small cup sparkling red lantern, still resemble the small blaze of dribs and drabs. We are carrying small basket, find squashy fruit, with fingernail the gently handle nip off green. Such cherry can update delicacy. Burning sun is illuminated in the top of head, in big canopy particularly fuggy, but we are picked as before in spirits. After half hours, in our basket replete Gong Gong's cherry, in our heart replete the joy of labor!
