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2022-05-04 16:05:17叙事作文访问手机版323

Today, after the elder sister comes back, wait for together with me. Our at a loose end does not have a thing to do, get online check have what thing amused.


Abrupt, I see having a video is the top that do wood, to table a proposal: “ elder sister, will we make wooden top? ” elder sister agreed readily.


I first make uniform material, have wood, small club, nail, hammer, penknife, string.


We cut the timber with big fist into about 6 centimeters a long paragraph. The elder sister cuts the wood one end that has cut into conic form, nail nail into conic midpoint with hammer. I tie string carefully on club. Such, top and top whip had been done.


How do this write a composition play? I have bit of too impatient to wait.


Elder sister detection my idea: Won't “ play? Come, I teach you to play. ”


The elder sister was done to me first set an example. She top ground, both hands takes top to flog, to top swot. Top turns rise. The elder sister sees top should fall, hit again, top turns faster more, resemble tornado.


I feel I was met, grab lash come over, to top swinge, top not only did not turn, still was hit to fly by me. I am forced to begin afresh. This, I am taking lash with both hands, to top swinge 3, top turns rose, I am extremely glad.
