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2022-06-05 20:02:02话题作文访问手机版136

Disgrace is humiliate, it is affront, call the harm that suffers on fame. Knew disgrace, ability play gives force and courage, friend says: “ Braveries comes out of the feeling of shame. ” has “ to Bravery comes out of the feeling of shame only ” , fang Nengzhang shows manhood instinctive quality.


Know shame not hind brave, sure abandon oneself to vice, eternal regret through the ages. Still remember Li Cunmao of king of village of the Later Tang Dynasty, in him year young when, mix frequently at learning exercise gest, it is eventually when his youth unify north and south, ascended imperial throne. But, li Cunmao firm ascend the throng, begin to enjoy a high position and great wealth, the life is dejected, ground of wine of day smallpox day, put on a false show of peace and prosperity. Later, the country that the army of a neighbour visits him won't be long, full day annoys border land people, still be in folk humiliate of ballad of be widely read him. And Li Cunmao still is enmeshed in an indulge in dissipation however, be fond of is not paid attention to. With one action captures capital builds line of business, ended lifetime of Li Cunmao absurd. Be! A person, knew ashamed and do not go revolting, can lose a sense; A country, if get aggressive and do not go revolting, regular meeting is ruined.


Bravery comes out of the feeling of shame, change disgrace to be aspirant motivation, certain composition can have a successful day. The disgrace ” below fabulous “ hip is a very good example. When Han Xin is very small, lost father and mother, basically rely on fishing to change money keep the pot boiling, often suffer an almsgiving that relies on person of old woman of full silk floss, suffer time and again all round the person's discrimination and cool detachment. , a flock of young ruffians in public humiliate Han letter. A butcher says to Han Xin: “ although you grow tall big, like to take Dao Peijian, your courage is actually small, have the word of skill, you go from my hip run the drilling tool into the well, prove your courage! ” Han Xin listens, face immediately red, anonymous fury lights from inside the heart: “ is good you a butcher, dare insult me so actually! ”


Han Xin thinks: Only power of “ my power is thin, be forced such. ” is saying, he one become desperate, the hip run the drilling tool into the well from butcher in the past. But, because Han Xinzheng has this kind to be able to bend the man spirit that can extend, just founded one time bully course of study. If do not have the disgrace ” below the “ hip at that time, won't have in the future Xichu Xiang Yu the Conqueror.


“ shame ” , it is discreditable. Face disgrace, we want comfortable from time to time to cross, ability is discreditable changeover ongoing kinetic energy!
