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2022-07-11 18:04:06初一访问手机版419

Drizzle is drizzly, I go on the way home alone. I hope, the way home can lengthen, because I think the heart that lets my undergoes severe test, let it follow this heavy fine rain all the time dignified goes down! I am so rejoice ——


I rejoice, feel happy oneself are born in time of such a peace! But I hate myself, the incapacity that hates oneself and cowardly! Mom often chatters: “ takes a route you became tired rest meet, it what have is good to what have those who cry! Insomnia comes out to drink a cup of water, make inner calm quiet, why do oneself sit in the head of a bed to cry? Was criticized by others be about to change, what does tear have to use? ” is right, be like mom place character, I am so easily character is defeated, the girl that weeps easily!


I had made a dream: I do not know to pass through in the dream when, anyhow I am chased after to kill by Japanese, I think all sorts of methods to let my avoid at dying! I what sleep to wake partly partly escape to a desolate place to hiding to dare not come out! The dream wakes that momently, I more hate myself! What “ of epigraph of holograph of Hu Lan of Liu of Chairman Mao Ceng Wei is born is great dead glorious ” , spoke very highly of she is great and glorious lifetime! Liu Hulan, she lives in my heart not only, vividder in the heart in China people! I adore her, however not as good as her extremely one of! She was born in an impoverished farmer family 1932, be taught from pee by revolution. She enters job of war of resistance against aggression actively, still organized Fu composition daughter attends a war team, did much work for party and people. She was arrested unfortunately 1946, before the enemy, she is gallant and tenacious remain faithful and unyielding, she is stepping martyr people before bloodstain takes make friends knife, halloo: “ villagers, the enemy's end is not far, new China was about to hold water, chinese Communist banzai! ”……


At that time she ability is 15 years old, and I, it is a girl likewise, it is such great difference however! Some people are living mix I am same, had died actually, it is an utterly worthless person stopped only! And although some people died, live in the heart of people with Comrade Liu Hulan however, make life gets continueing thereby!


Martyr of how many revolution uses a suit warm blood to be changed this and equal time, they are built with blood and flesh, they sacrificed not only life, more sacrificed of own heart passional! And I, just feel happy oneself live in …… of such a time silently however nowadays


Not, I ought not to waste time here! We want recall martyr not just, should learn the castiron spirit on their body and firm volition more, learn their patriotism spirit, effort study, make contribution for Chinese development; Try hard well, to achieve the Chinese nation great revive a force that contributes oneself!


Yes, regard China as new generation adolescent, we should make our scope of operation hard! Risking drizzle, I ran back to domestic ……
