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2022-05-21 15:34:15初三访问手机版167

Years drift along, days elapses quickly. Between the vicissitudes of life of hundred years, shanghai is welcoming great change in span.


Still write down, when full clear dynasty, you are being expected span.


Shut Guan Suoguo, the portal closes. The chrysalis that you expect to exuviate goes lagging behind is aurelian, meet the first sight of morning of capital world. Of England a merchantman those who opened you is dusty long already gate, yellow riverside river bank, by Suzhou river, nanjing roadside, 10 thousand countries are built group unpluggingly and case. What you are drawing fund is galactic, enjoying the timely rain of good luck and market, go before the encourage in corrupt bramble. You span heavy barrier wall, in this place advantaged geographical fastness develops flourishingly. Your Ceng Zaini the do all one can in Ning spans.


Ceng Yi, when world in peril, you are worn urgently span.


A situation full of danger of the fascism is swept across in the whole world, the masses have no means to live, a field littered with corpses. German Jew is persecuted by savage land. You abandoned signing commercial chance of the clause, span heavy high mountain, the Judaic civilian that is in an abyss of suffering to those stretchs bosom. Before Mosaic cathedral, heavy rain is torrential, —— of your a children an average Shanghai woman, will warm big umbrella fills the top of head in a Jewish girl. You are delivering peace, delivering a hope, delivering the longing to light. You span complete composition ball, revealing your generosity to the whole world, your altruistic, the heart with your big gain. You ever spanned in the hardship in harships.


Looking, when reforming and opening, you span never-endingly!


Grow like a weed of world all-round crisis, shutdown stop production, a large number of papering cutter. People suffer hunger and cold, manage gloomy, regard the world as main stabilizer and dynamical source, you span again the whole world, reduce share price, implement all sorts of policy, dissolved the crisis ably. Now, just fell into Bo Huigang next heavy curtain, you use your innovation, your vigor, lighted the ablaze blaze of world economy. You hold aid the world concurrently, you courageously try to be the first, capture the history to expand opportunity, with Chinese speed, with Shanghai spirit, created the great miracle on human phylogeny. You span dangerous and difficult road, devotion pursues a dream, revive for China consider. Promote Shanghai spirit, carry out is taken all right initiate all the way, active compose builds human destiny community, you are spanning ceaselessly in open!


Shanghai, you are promoted because of spanning, you clang the strong pace that pursue a dream, what be sure to get together to struggle into in brand-new times is symphonic, resound through extensive region eaves, let the world sleep lightly for your place. Shanghai, be sure to continue to span, the development that is the world helps strength!


Span just about, accomplished Shanghai.
