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2022-11-30 20:38:18初二访问手机版341

There are countless loves in the life, can swing the dimple of heart sea: If lotus mirrors water, high and beautiful; If sweet-scented osmanthus blossoms, elegant and fragrance.


-- preface


Have a kind of such voice, it can make move restlessly disturbed baby falls asleep peacefully; It can make naughty and traitorous muddled teenager smiles willingly; The manhood that it can make roam about feels relieved weep. This is the sound of mother love, the most beautiful sound!


Love. Include


My maternal tenderness is beautiful, always caress to me to big mother as a child have add. After entering junior high school, I begin a bit traitorous, once, I encounter not satisfactory thing in the school, be agitated and anger emerge when returning the home mind, because a petty thing is right,maternal unbridled ground abreacted inner indignation. At one's convenience how do I roar hysterically, the mother still is opposite delicate language of my light tone, say to me: "Produce what job, irrespective, the life cannot be plain sailing, the bank that was not impassable, want active and hopeful calm to face, mom is forever beside you, cheer! " the her patient all the time mood that pacifying me, wait for me to stabilize the ability after coming down to continue to do the business of herself. Mom is full of the sound of included love then, the deeply anxious heart that lets me feels relieved, the life that lets me is full of sunshine!


Love. Encourage


Mom's love is that pair of hands, that brushs lachrymal both hands. When writing down 8 years old just, I begin to learn to ride a bicycle. Firm in the begining, I am very glad, if I learned how to ride a bicycle,imagining, go into the street smooth circuit, that should have much power and prestige. But bicycle obvious follows my oppose, was being done a long time is not to let me sit, eventually, try for many times through mine, I was to climb at long last, can have not held to two seconds, " glorious come off sentry duty, " " bang " , this can throw me not gently, a of a blueness violet. Because ache, I cannot help crying loudly rise. Hear my cry, mom puts down the job in the hand to run to see me rapidly, obliterate with both hands at the same time the tear on my face, say to me at the same time: "The child, did not cry, we fall from where be about to climb from where, should regard difficulty as stepping-stone, want to be brave in to challenge difficulty. " hear this word, I was full of fight again, preparation follows a bicycle " dead crack with teeth in mouth after all " , still learned finally. Everything a variety of, when difficult setback is being encountered in studying the life, it is difficult that mom always can encourage me to greet and go up! Encourage what mom is containing love then in succession, let me heal defeat heals brave strives upper reaches, the youth that lets me blossoms ray!


Love. Urge again and again


One language all contains one word affection, one word is full of love one sentence. Mom's love is that urge again and again, that one in succession the urge again and again of love. Intense heat of summer of severe cold of Chun Xiaqiu winter, be opposite like mom go round and round my inquire after sb's health, the care of meticulously is worn I. Of Sunday afternoon, my exercise is written, arranging satchel in the room. Do not know when, mom went. "How, was exercise finished? Has been the thing that should hold installed? What do not understand will reach the school tomorrow ask a teacher the fellow student, do not want bequeath issue " " exercise wrote much back to endorse, you won't have a look more, become a few problems more, consolidate your knowledge. " " study should explain a method, want to strike a proper balance between work and rest, had cleared away go moving motion, loosen loosen the mood " ... these words, I listened several times, feeling every time is so euphonic pleasant, so warmth is good. The urge again and again that mom loves in succession then, in making achievement of my study in an orderly way firm, have litre, the life that lets me is like Mu Chunfeng.


Although my mother does not have mother of the first month sagacious, did not put the ability affection of the heart on the ice, but having tender feelings to be like water however the care to me. Although maternal black silk is whiten now,send, shading and furrow grew on fruity face glossily. But the mother loves to mine never because of years elapse and drop! There is a kind of the most beautiful voice on the world, that is the sound of mother love. Thank you, my accessibly and respected mom!
