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2022-07-21 02:04:05初二访问手机版239


Laugh, it is the best expression between the world, among them the most genuine laugh nothing is more... than smiled, most those who make me unforgettable is the laugh of parents, teacher and classmates.


Parental laugh —— guileless


Still remember that time, I and parents sit together, parents is talking about the mixed important matter in the home and bagatelle, and I am as dry as a chip however sit aside, pressing a remote controller as dry as a chiply, of the picture one after another on TV shine, father called me, signal lets me go, I put out the television immediately, parental limit reached after wearing good loafer. How does “ take an exam this? is play wrong? ” mom cares ask. I answer: “ takes an exam this pretty good still, took a whole class the 2nd, next time I can make greater efforts, strive for take come first, you put 100 hearts! ” . Mom says: “ is good, it is good to have this heart. ” immediately laughed, father also laughed accordingly. I discover instantly, a word that becomes a son is parents so glad, mom of enough proof pa is how love me. I strive for those who answer that to look first, it is a composition only the smile of that one guileless.


The teacher's laugh —— is gratified


“ this our class defeated week convention appraise through comparison actually we a record of throughout history ah! The 3rd! The sound of Mr. ” although be mingled with is in tumultuous sound, but still feel very sonorous, immediately class is quiet fell, prep close behind and we shout those who come together: “ meets the 2nd for certain next time. ” as expected as expected, arrived to issue a class one week when the meeting, laoban announced the position, the blast when our Banlidu opened boiler, “ is quiet! ” Laoban's earnest say, “ is striven for next time not degenerative. The laugh with ” gratified immediately.


The classmate's laugh —— is bright and clear


Have in my classmate so a person, her disposition is optimistic, when hearing funny joke, its laugh runs quickly madly like rhinoceros, volcano erupts. Or belly laugh, or guffaw rolling the ground, and even laugh suffocatively. When then we see she prepares to laugh, cover good ear, await stormy advent.


I won't forget your laugh, because, I still want to see your guileless, gratified, bright and clear laugh.
