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2022-07-12 10:07:08初二访问手机版364

If I am of a renascence butterfly, volant below the rising sun, reflection gives aureate ray, go gradually gradually far ……


—— preface


I am flying, cross the woods and flower, cross mountains and rivers-land and river. What do you want not to want to know I saw? Buzzing bee, the running water of Chan Chan, shady forest, the little bridge of wooden color. bird is in forest vocal, flower blossoms below sunshine. Good not lively. Well, why to notice me without the person? Left look, right look. Original, I stop halt was in between the beautiful flowers like me.


I am flying, cross arbor and sweet camphor tree. 10 thousand green in, see that share out bonus. Conspicuous however not enthusiastic. On needle of carry on one's shoulder, 9 dragonfly establish above, see only on the side have springlet to flowing in light delay ground. “ the mouth of spring is silent brook brooklet, shade illuminates Shui Aiqing soft, small carry on one's shoulder just shows pointed pointed character, early dragonfly establishs above ” . Good the drawing with a quiet composition. There is two fish trifling matter clearly in water at meantime. Why is there a butterfly in water? Original, that is my inverted image.


I am flying, had flown pond of carry on one's shoulder, the mountain forest when flying all along. Suddenly, a fallen leaves waves in me beside, seem is in fly violently, with me in all dance. I do not know, I present, whether to also mix are they same? Lost already in former days glorious? Shake shake one's head, never mind, because I am very happy. One, I should remember their appearance hard, resemble wanting to let them remember I am same.


I am flying, fly between white heaven and earth. That is my firstborn place. Snow had stopped, can not stop cold, the setting sun only the Yu Wen of remnant also is gobbled up to get completely by frost snow. Directive, I see the ground of my renascence. Bluestone of a cupreous still is over there, seem to waiting for me to go back. The chill in my heart was broken up, those who replace is warm. Resembling is like coming home, I closed double eye …… slowly


If I am,fly to those who cross the four seasons only butterfly, return in snow of rain of hardships of a journey or of one's life. Whether do you wish to be my tarry bluestone of that one party, good let me be in tired when, rest ……


—— is adscript
