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2024-06-17 20:55:02小学作文访问手机版7



范文一: My Favorite Season

My favorite season is summer. I love summer because the weather is warm and sunny. I can go swimming in the pool or the lake. I also like to play outside with my friends. We can have barbecues and go on picnics. In the summer, the days are longer, so I have more time to do the things I enjoy.

范文二: A Trip to the Zoo

Last weekend, my family went to the zoo. We saw many different animals, like elephants, giraffes, and monkeys. My favorite animal was the panda. It was sitting and eating bamboo. We also watched the zookeepers feed the animals. It was a really fun and interesting trip. I can't wait to go back to the zoo again!

范文三: My Dream Job

When I grow up, I want to be a scientist. I'm fascinated by science and I love learning about the world around me. As a scientist, I could do experiments, make discoveries, and help solve important problems. I think it would be very rewarding to contribute to our understanding of the universe and to make a positive impact on the world. I'm willing to work hard to achieve my dream of becoming a scientist.



  • 选题贴近生活,关注儿童感兴趣的话题,如自然、动物、兴趣爱好等。
  • 语言生动有趣,运用形容词、感叹词等修饰手法丰富表达。
  • 结构严谨,段落清晰,层次分明,条理清晰。
  • 注重词汇积累和正确运用,突出关键词。


  • 选择贴近儿童生活的写作主题,激发他们的创作兴趣。
  • 注重培养学生的语言表达能力,鼓励他们大胆运用所学词汇。
  • 注重作文结构的训练,培养学生的逻辑思维和写作能力。
  • 引导学生重视词汇的积累和运用,为提高作文质量奠定基础。
