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2022-10-06 06:38:12读后感访问手机版427


I like to look most " magical school bus " . Mom bought drawing edition later, I what look am not to one's heart's content, I let mom buy again read edition. I can come to this summer vacation well my " mystical force " .


I saw magical school bus over and over. Roam the world tells: Machine of electric lamp, bread, electric saw, cleaner needs to use phone.


Wonderful honeycomb tell: The insect has Hu Feng, cockroach, ant, fly, cricket, dragonfly, beetle, mosquito... , let me know the bee eats nectar, pollen, nectar and pollen make made-up food. Original spider is not the insect, it is to calculate an animal.


Pursue dinosaur to tell the Triassic Period terminal animal of dragon of bone having accent, dragon fearing tine, favour spit dragon kind, establish dragon, An Qi dragon, board dragon. Jurassic Period is terminal have puzzle dragon... terminal sanded dust storm comes to the Cretaceous age piece, all dinosaur by sandy soil bury, I feel very cruel.


Seek by inquiry is sensory inside the content that interpret I think over there mouth more interesting, let me acquire knowledge. For instance cell of food element, taste bud, taste...


Marine and expeditionary those who tell is there are various fish in sea floor, seeing various fish pictures is to let me love really extremely, the biggest animal on original world is inside ocean, it is blue whale. It has 32 elephant so big, the heart has volume of a car, be to make me extremely open-eyed really.


Science reads extensively took me to go Italy saw Baolilue, went to England seeing Newton again. Went very a lot of more country, saw a lot of famous famous person. Still saw the famousest scientist Einstein. They have the story of a lot of legend.


I what be lost in solar system went first the sun, go again mercurial, Venus, earth, spark, Jupiter, go again again Saturn. Went next Uranus, went finally Neptune. Let me know Jupiter is the biggest planet, it still has a big erythema.


Climate big challenge tells carbon dioxide to meet a weather heated, we should use a car less as far as possible later, reduce discharged carbon dioxide. Want to cherish an environment, protect our earth.


Pass through hurricane lets me if hurricane comes,know, we should use board pin window, sandbag is held off. If hurricane did not come, we should withdraw in time.


In human body after I knowing in browsing, want to eat fry less. Because be opposite the stomach is bad, have health. Want to eat vegetable and fruit more. Have inside the body lots and lots of red blood cell, leucocyte, plaque.


Earthly interior explores let me understand all sorts of rock, original fossil is to be on shale and lime cliff commonly.


Really magical the brigade of happy knowledge. This unlike see cartoon interesting, I like to see these interesting, learn new knowledge, I also sat together this is magical school bus.
