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2022-06-25 22:06:08读后感访问手机版452

" the secret of treasure calabash " it is Zhang Tianyi of writer of Chinese famous children (1906—1985) the fairy tale that wrote 1958; 1963 produce a film of film studio of Shanghai day horse black and white film; Cast afresh by company of Chinese film group 2007 shot film of homonymic color animation; In addition, still have book of homonymic film domain and homonymic song.


Its story clue is: When the hero king luxuriant growth in the book is very little from the story that treasure calabash heard over there the grandma, he hopes to have calabash of a treasure very much, a dream was made when he sleeps


When dreaming of oneself to fish in river side, angled calabash of a treasure, treasure calabash came true she all desires. Do those who laugh is him when composition and classmate play chess, he just wanted to eat off the “ horse ” of the other side, in the basks in flag to Wang Bao mouth with treasure foolish calabash, still let him eat go down, original treasure calabash can not understand master cherished desire truly. Read here, I laughed cannot refrain fromingly! Still once, he wants to take an examination of 100 minutes, who knows it, came to the examination paper of others secretly unexpectedly, for this, ground of teacher firm firm criticized Wang Bao of Wang Bao …… slowly understood, the thing that those treasure calabash bring is others, he still is thought to be thief by accident by others, and in have no alternative under, still get the old father that cheats oneself, final Wang Wangbao throws treasure calabash very angrily into the lake, begin from now on, oneself try hard!
