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2022-06-07 20:00:01读后感访问手机版182

Can you live alone on a desert island for 28 years? Can you live on a desert island for 28 years with only a little gun, ammunition and a knife? This seems impossible in life, but the protagonist in Robinson Crusoe has done it. He is&mdash— Robinson


the story tells that Robinson had an accident during a voyage, and Robinson was the only survivor on the ship, drifting to a desert island haunted by cannibals. He had only a few guns, a few boxes of bullets and some gunpowder. But he did not abandon himself. Brave to survive on a desert island, he built his own wooden house, planted his own crops, and taught savages to be companions and live together. Lived on a desert island for 28 years. One day after 28 years, he finally found the chance to escape from the desert island and returned to his hometown where he had been away for 28 years. Reading this, I am deeply moved. It is rare for a person to be so confident in life and face life bravely


If I were Robinson, would I be like him? It's impossible for him to have the courage to write like me. If I were the protagonist Robinson, when I was alone on a desert island, I would rekindle the fire of hope like him? This is impossible because I don't have the ability. If I were the protagonist Robinson, would I be as brave and fearless as him to rescue them when I saw the savages eating human flesh with their own kind? It's impossible because I don't have the courage


My school and parents have paved the way for us to grow up, but I'm not satisfied with the status quo. I have been complaining about this and that. In fact, I have never experienced the bitterness of life


a good book can save a person. I finally understand this truth. Robinson Crusoe tells us that only by relying on our own hands, intelligent brain and courage, no problem is a problem. The protagonist Robinson relies on courage, faith and optimism, because he can live on a desert island for 28 years and create a miracle of the world. Isn't it worth learning
