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2022-10-28 08:38:23五年级访问手机版136

Today, mom and aunt take me to grab child to square of far east international. We will to 3 buildings come to cruel Lesai pleasure ground. I gallop stress baby machine area, there is a lot of baby here! Look I am dazzlingly, do not know to be caught first which good.


Aunt bought 100 currency to me, I am boosting these 100 currency, the heart thinks: So much money, I am striven for today should grab a big child. Then, I begin to grab from what my like first. I chose a baby opportunity that has a lamb, threw 3 money. My right hand is helping joy stick up, left-hand forefinger is put in the upper part of pushbutton. Game began, my right hand controls brandish ceaselessly, aimed at a lamb that carrying a bag on the back. Press / of pushbutton full marks, claw slowly fall downward, as it happens holds the head of the lamb, in my heart one jubilates. Claw captures lamb upgrade to extend, my heart also follows claw to rise, get on for voice eye. Claw loosens suddenly, the lamb falls again fall to place, my vexed straight stamp, two, 3, 4... but I did not lose heart, caught a lamb in the 13rd eventually, I jumped gladly, the lamb closely hold in the arms in the bosom.


At this moment, I see there is one to exceed big ovine mom only in nearby machine, my it may not be a bad idea wants to come home its belt. I look at small basket in only a few money of remnant, come to ovine mom before, I discover her is not cut what catch however. But I never am cut,pass! Then I am holding the state of mind that have a try in the arms, 4 money were thrown in baby machine. The right hand is put on pushbutton, double eye closely staring at scissors, when scissors fast when coming up against a line, my hand is put, alas! Nodded with respect to all but. Two, 3, 4... arrived the 7th times when " bang " , the door opened. I unexpectedly clipping, jumped gladly, other little girl delivered admiring view to me.


I am holding myself in the arms " booty " , came home cheerfully.
